martes, 7 de mayo de 2013

My Favorite Painting

Hello my friends!

Today I tell you about a painting, in this case is “The Kiss” by Gustav Klimbt, a autrian artist. This painting was realized between 1907 and 1908. “The Kiss” is a oil on canvas of 180 x 180 centimeter. This painting can be found in Osterreichische Galerie Belvedere of Viene.

The first time I saw this painting when I went to the school, and the Linguistic classes I have choose one painting and invented a story or interpreted the painting. I choose this painting because is very interesting and visually is very beautiful that represent the idealize love. I remember I wrote about a romantic story with a happy ends.  

In this class I have research information about this painting.  “The Kiss” is a symbolic representation of the moment that Apolo kisses a nymph called Dafne and coverts her  in to a Laurel. But other opinions says that painting represents a Klimbt with his lover, Emile Flög.

I like so much this painting because is very romantic, I am a romantic person and I believe in the love in many forms. This painting represents the female thing and male and as perfectly they are complemented.

The legacy of Gustav Klimbt is based on the female role and its unmistakable aesthetic, being a referring one of the fashion and aesthetic contemporary.

I hope you like this beautiful painting!!
See you later dear friends!!