martes, 26 de marzo de 2013

My favorite book

Hello friends: 

Today, I will tell you about a book  that i recommend  to you, in this case it is a classic of  the English literature “Wuthering Heights”  by Emily Bronte. This book was written in the Victorian age and caused a lot of criticisms to the role of women. Wuthering Heights was published in 1847.
When I went to the school, in the English class I got to make a presentation about the Bronte Sisters and the importance of the English literature. For a better presentation my mom bought a few books of the Bronte family and this moment the novels had an important place in my book collection.
Wuthering Height is a novel of drama where the characters try to find themselves and they find the real love in the unfortunate circumstances.
This novel has inspired many films, tv shows, one musical and songs. My  favorite adaptation is the film “Wuthering Heights” of the 1992 and the “Wuthering Heights”  of the 2011.
At the same vein I  recommend “Jane Eyre” by Charlotte Bronte, also A romantic novel.

Enjoy this books, see you later
Bye Bye!

6 comentarios:

  1. Hello Nicol, I like your book because is cool to focus on women, but I don`t like the romantic novels...jajaja...I`m not a very romantic girl...jaja...good bye...

  2. Is a very sad this novel... you read it?

  3. Hi! i read books similar style as Pride and Prejudice of Jane Austen, is very romantic :P


  4. I don't think I ever read Jane Austen but I have send lots of films and TV series of her books.
