lunes, 25 de noviembre de 2013

Environment and recycling

Hi Friends, I hope you are fine!

Today I will tell you about green and interesting topic like the recycle and the environmentally friendly practices.

First I have to say that I don´t consider myself a green person, I can do for the environment is minimal to what really can help, but obviously I'm aware of the damage to the environment every day for every activity we do, the fact occupy something and inevitably becomes garbage, it always try to take out the trash where it belongs, challenge people to strip papers anywhere, until such details teach my cousins ​​when I have to look after, I try to not take many sheets to print, reuse my notebooks, I am very careful with the use I give to the water, try to walk or use bicycle whenever I can, but it's nothing compared to what each person can do every day to care for the environment. People generally neglect is well and is not responsible to its emissions, in my opinion since child is seated should teach how to care and recycling waste, make compost or divide trash or make bricks with bags and plastic bottles.

In Santiago, the garbage problem is a bad constant faults make public policies that encourage recycling and friendly environmental practices. For example communes with more income are the most polluted city and have a worse outcome, these wastes are transported to the poorest communities associated with this process is more frequently observed landfills and illegal dumps in such municipalities. Needless environmental organizations that encourage such activities as does the town La Pintana, although it is considered one of the poorest, its garbage trucks, perform separation of waste.

I think it's very important to have a family foundation that teaches children about caring for the environment, so that this learning is complemented with the plans in schools, colleges and universities should give.


5 comentarios:

  1. awww you're pic it's really cute ... but this is not the central topic wjaawjk

  2. Nicole!

    there is still a long way to be a country with an awareness of recycling,
    you're well


  3. Hi! Yes lack public policies and awareness .

  4. II like to recycle but santiago is a bad place to do so buuuuu :(

  5. hi!!, i share a big part of your post, because is really in some places the people and the goverment this comunty give to the people recilcly but in other place any have some for this
