martes, 30 de abril de 2013

My favorite beach

Hi Friends, I hope you are fine

Today I tell you about a beach, my favorite beach is Algarrobo located in the V Region de Valparaiso. Algarrobo is known like a “Capital Nautica of Chile” because in this beach people practice many aquatic sports like surf, yacht, kayak, omong others.

Algarrobo have a great geographic attractive: rocky outcrop named "La Peñablanca", in 1982 was declared Sanctuary of Nature.  Also have many differents typical trees like boldo, peumo, canelo and obviously algarrobo.

I went for the first time when I was child, I don’t remember this year, but each year I go to Algarrobo with my family or my friends.

Algarrobo have many beach, my favorites are “Las Cadenas” and “Mirasol” because is beautiful place for see the sunset, play beach tennis and sitting on the beach and take a sunbathing. I love walk in the beach in the sunset and visit traditional fair and buy many thing like a rings, necklace and decorations.  Also I love bathing so much, because a make me happy and relax me.

Algarrobo is a great center of tourism because it is so near to  Santiago and have a famous resort “San Alfonso del Mar”.

See you later my dear friends

domingo, 28 de abril de 2013

My last movie in the cinema

Hello everybody, I hope you are fine and happy!

Today I tell you about the last movie saw in the cinema.  I saw the movie “Silver Linings Playbook” in the vacations with my sister. Us went to the cinema Cinehoyts Estación Central and the show was start at 7 pm and over at 9 pm

“Silver Linings Playbook” is a american romantic and drama movie direct by  David O. Russell, adapted from the novel with the same name by Matthew Quick.
In this movie work Bradley Cooper (like Pat)  with  Jennifer Lawrence (like Tiffany), she win in the category best actress in the Academy Awards for  this movie. Also work Robert De Niro like the father´s Pat.  The plot of movie is that Pat with bipolar disorder is  released from a mental health know a Tiffany, a widow and they develop an crazy friendship that transform in love.

I like so much this movie because is so funny when the characters have a dance competition, although has very crazy moments. I recommend you because isn’t typical romantic movie.

I remember that day in the cinema there was a poster of Mike Wazowski of Monster Inc. and my sister take a picture with him jajaja

See you later friends
Bye Bye!

martes, 9 de abril de 2013

My ambition

Hi bloggers:

Today I tell you about my ambitions and the things I want to the future. First I hope finish my career with a goods results. I found a good work like a Geographer associated with environment, process naturals of the Word like volcanism, ecology, oceanography and hydrology.  I want safe money with my job, because I will like travel for many places. I would like to achieve this ambition because since I was child I like travel and know new places, new people and new cultures.

I will like travel with my friends or my family for many places and share with they. I will want know Francia, Inglaterra, Grecia, India, Egipto and countries of Latin America like Ecuador, Brasil, Uruguay.

Always remember when I read the book “Comer, rezar y amar” and the travel that realize the principal character for found herself. This book inspired me for enjoy the food and the travels.

Also one ambition is I have a store of clothes or I have a store of pets for help more defenseless .

My ambitions represent my wishes and my sacrifices.
See you later, Bye Friends!

martes, 2 de abril de 2013

My favorite song

Hi friends!

Today I will tell you about my favorite song. I have a very favorites songs that marked  differents moments in my life.  When I was child my dad influence in my style of music, I hear many bands of decade 80´s, but one band follow in my playlist: Soda Stereo and Gustavo Cerati.
The song that choose is “Puente” that write and composed by Gustavo Cerati. Puente is a track of first album after  Soda Stereo named “Bocanada”. I don’t remember the first time I heard it I just remember that I was in school.
I like “Puente” because is very peaceful in the start, but in the chorus Cerati broke that calm. This song is considered one the best work of this artist.  Also I like because is a song very romantic and reflect in this verse “Use the love, Use the love like a bridge” The style of music is rock.

See you later, Take care!
Bye Bye!