jueves, 28 de noviembre de 2013

The Last Blog

Hello dear bloggers!!

Today is the last blog that write I really hope it´s the last blog hahah), and I will tell you about my experience with this plataform and everything about the English subject.

First I have say that English it is not my favorite subject, but I can do anything for understand and speak better.
This semester the English class was very interesting, because the use of blogs make the subject more relax (does not mean that just is less complicated) and the topics that I tell in each blog, the majority was like me, for example the topic about music or topic about travels.

I think that I have improve the pronunciation and intonation when I speak or read in English, also I need know more words in English, because my vocabulary is very poor.
But this semester I think I improve in comparison that last semester. I have the feeling that I can think of English faster.

In the class of English, the use of blogs, help us a write our ideas and feeling and research the indicate words for express that we mean. I think that now we are more agile and fast for write and create sentences and as I said earlier, the topics are the blog more entertainment and didactic, because each one have to look over the classmates bloggers.  

Every day I use English in my life, is something usual, because the majority music I listen is English music, also in the television I see movies or series that speak English. In my homework’s also use the English because I read paper or text in English. English but like it or not is a tool be necessary.

That is all, I hope you are fine and be happy!
Regards :)

lunes, 25 de noviembre de 2013

Environment and recycling

Hi Friends, I hope you are fine!

Today I will tell you about green and interesting topic like the recycle and the environmentally friendly practices.

First I have to say that I don´t consider myself a green person, I can do for the environment is minimal to what really can help, but obviously I'm aware of the damage to the environment every day for every activity we do, the fact occupy something and inevitably becomes garbage, it always try to take out the trash where it belongs, challenge people to strip papers anywhere, until such details teach my cousins ​​when I have to look after, I try to not take many sheets to print, reuse my notebooks, I am very careful with the use I give to the water, try to walk or use bicycle whenever I can, but it's nothing compared to what each person can do every day to care for the environment. People generally neglect is well and is not responsible to its emissions, in my opinion since child is seated should teach how to care and recycling waste, make compost or divide trash or make bricks with bags and plastic bottles.

In Santiago, the garbage problem is a bad constant faults make public policies that encourage recycling and friendly environmental practices. For example communes with more income are the most polluted city and have a worse outcome, these wastes are transported to the poorest communities associated with this process is more frequently observed landfills and illegal dumps in such municipalities. Needless environmental organizations that encourage such activities as does the town La Pintana, although it is considered one of the poorest, its garbage trucks, perform separation of waste.

I think it's very important to have a family foundation that teaches children about caring for the environment, so that this learning is complemented with the plans in schools, colleges and universities should give.


jueves, 7 de noviembre de 2013

The perfect song

Hello friends!!!

Today I will tell you about a perfect song. I considered many songs like favorites and perfects, but depend that moments I live and the mood I have. I can cross for depressing song, for lively song, for powers songs and romantic song.
In this moment my perfect song  called  Samba da Benção’ by Bebel Gilberto. I know this song for the movie: ‘Eat, Pray and Love’. I remember that saw this movie a few years ago and I download the playlist, because i like so much the selection of songs that represent very well the important parts of the movie. This weekend I saw the movie in the tv cable and come back listen the songs.

Samba da Benção’ talks about the importance of the happiness and love, and how the samba gives the light and the good mood for confront the life.  My favorite line of this song isÉ melhor ser alegre que ser triste, alegria é a melhor coisa que existe, É assim como a luz, no coração”
Themselves don´t  know, Bebel Gilberto is a Brazilian popular singer often associated with bossa nova. And this song belong to ´Tanto Tempo´, an electronic bossa nova album released in 2000, was popular at clubs around the world and positioned Gilberto as one of the best-selling Brazilian artists in the U.S.

I recommend this album for relax moments because this music give you a lot of peace.
I hope you are fine, Regards  :)

jueves, 24 de octubre de 2013

Video Clip I like

Hi bloggers!
Today I will tell you about that video clip I like.  I like many bands and artists, I don’t know that video choose. We know that one on my favorite bands is Incubus, and choose a video that song I like so much. The song is called: Dig.
I saw for first time this video in internet when I was 14 years old. This song is the second single released for the American band from their sixth studio album “Light Grenades”, publish in 2006. I remember that with my sister bought this album. I like so much this, album because is very artistic, the cover have many color and drawings of Brandon Boyd (the vocalist and leader of band)

The band made an unusual choice in letting fans help create the music video for the song by holding a contest called "I Dig Incubus", with the winner possibly having their video used as the official version. The top five contestants were announced on February 1, 2007, with fans then getting the chance to vote on a "Fan-pick".
Carlos "Kaamuz" Oliveira won both the fan pick and band pick with his animation. The video of the winner being announced was available on the contest website. Ramon Boutviseth was the runner up and therefore won the Grand Prize.

I like so much of video is the story that the fan that goes along the lyrics of the song, is about a woman who digs and digs to save the heart of his beloved, when they do finally get together.

miércoles, 23 de octubre de 2013

The Christening of Prince George

Hi dear bloggers!

In this opportunity, I will tell you about an article of The Guardian (British newspaper). I chose an article that is very entertaining to me, but that is now world-wide and to the British is even more important: the christening of Prince George, son of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge (Prince William and Kate Middleton).
The ceremony took place in the Chapel Royal at St James's Palace in London, the Queen and the most senior royals were present as the archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby. It was a very private affair, where guests were 22, most of the royal family.

One of the curiosities of the ceremony is the number of godparents of Prince George, with the generous quota of seven godparents – one more than his father, the Duke of Cambridge, and one fewer than his grandfather, the Prince of Wales.
Also what caught my attention at the christening was the costume he wore the little prince, being a replica of a historical piece that Queen Victoria ordered manufactured in 1841 for the christening of his eldest daughter.
This was Prince George's second public outing (his first being at one day old as he left the Lindo Wing at St Mary's hospital, Paddington).

The day i will always remember

Hello friends!
Today I will tell you about a day I will always remember. I have many moments in my life that make me happy, but most are associated with terms of stages, or family events, loving or funny moments with my friends.

But the day I will always remember: July 17, 2010. That day I get one more member to my family. I remember that day was Saturday and my parents went to the supermarket in the morning, while I slept late, when unexpectedly my mom wakes me up and I see a puppy cocker the attitude of the hands of my mother ... I was very excited and sleep product I ask my mom: IS IT REAL? (Thus mocks today).
Sammy came at the right time in our lives, where we are responsible and me being the youngest, Sammy became the baby of the house.

That same year we experienced a very complicated time, my dad suffered a heart attack and was long complicated, until he returned to the house and Sammy turned into therapy. Now that he has three years, we have fun with their antics and mischief.

I hope you are finee!

Kisses :) 

jueves, 3 de octubre de 2013

A country I would like to visit

Hi dear Bloggers :D
Today I will tell you about a country I would like to visit. I like many different countries, is very difficult choose one, but the country I hope can visit is Egypt. When I was child, my dad always read me about the Egypt´s culture and the religion. After I read novels about Nefertiti and novels about look for the graves of pharaoh and the treasures. As well I watch many movies and documentaries about Egypt.
Also I would like to camel rides in the desert looking at the pyramids. In the country I would visit the museums, libraries, explore the city and meet the Nile. I like travel with my dad because each other enjoy about the mystery of the Egypt culture.

I don’t know much about the Egypt food, but I love eating and I don’t believe this was a problem. I believe that experience will be a big adventure and very enriching for me.
Also I would like to visit the countries of Europe like France, Italy, Belgic, Germany, Spain and Greece because were interesting countries.

Well, I hope you are fine and manage yours travels.
Regards :)

jueves, 26 de septiembre de 2013

My ideal job

Hi dear bloggers.

Today I will tell you about my ideal job, this topic is very interesting because reflect the wishes that each one.
Since I was a child I like the world of hair salon. Always played with my dolls and barbies and colorize, curt her hairs.  When bigger I brush the cousin´s hair, and my sister´s hair.
Now I love brush my hair, make me hairstyles. Also I like make-up, because is the art of lift the beauty and the features of face. In reality I am a very conceited person jaja, because of I will very happy with my own hair salon with a lot make-up and nail art.

This work need a beautiful place for ubicated, I need a lot of money because the hair instruments are expensive. I need study about esthetic and the technique of make-up. But for make all this I need finish my career and save money. I think also I need a person that post of finances.
Another ideal job would be work with animals like a refuge or organization of rescue. Because I love the dogs and is very sad when are abandoned.

I hope you are fine.Regards :)

jueves, 12 de septiembre de 2013

My biography

Hello dear friends!

Today i will tell you about me. Im born in the 31 december 1992 in Talagante. I live in Peñaflor with my parents, my older sister and my adorable pet called Sammy. I have a big family because I have many uncles and cousins also we united family.  I curse my primary and secondary studies in the School Alcantara of Talagante, when I have my best years because all was funny and I know my best friends. 
Today Iam study geographic in the University of Chile, I curse my third year of career and I very happy because I like so much travel and the contact with the nature.  My best part of the year is the holidays because I can travel and know many places and enjoy the peace that gives me the nature.

I have many hobbies like read a good book, my favorites writers are Bronte Sisters and Jane Austen. Also I like listen to the music, cooking and watch independent films.

I have all I need, I considered a lucky person because all around me is love and good energy. Maybe I don’t have an interest life, but I am very happy.

I hope you are fine. See you later.

martes, 23 de julio de 2013


Hi everybody I hope you are fine.
I very sad because is the last blog that write. Today I will tell you about my experience in the blog´s world.

I answers the questions that realice my dear teacher Simon.
1. Did you enjoy wring an English blog? Why, Why not?
I enjoy wring an English blog because wrote about interested topic and i like read the classmates blogs.
2. Which was you favourite post? Why?
I like many posts, but my favorite was write about a photograph  because I like so much my photograph with my sister.
3. Which was your least favourite post? Why?
My least favorite post was a “My Favorite Painting”, because I don´t know much about the paintings and the artists. And i dont know much about textures, meanings of painting.
4. Whose blog did you enjoy reading? Why?
I enjoy reading so much all post of Andrea, because she is very funny  when writing and her post is very interest.
5. Who has the most attractive blog?
The most attractive blog for me is Charlotte´s blog, because her blog is very cute, i like has many colors and the best thing is that loud music while reading their post.
6. Do you think the blog was a good language learning tool?Why, Why not?
I think that blog is a good language learning tool because I met new words and each time i made more easy to write.

martes, 9 de julio de 2013

My favorite Tv programme

Hi dear bloggers:

I hope you are fine. Today i will tell you about a fun topic like a cartoons. My favorite tv programme when I was child was “Garfield and friends”. I remember a lots cartoon that watch when I was child, but this tv programme  is special because it make me laugh so much and their characters was adorable animals.

“Garfield and friends” is an american animated television serie based a comic with the same name “Garfield” by Jim Davis. It chronicles the life of the title character, the cat Garfield (named after Davis's grandfather), his owner, Jon Arbuckle, and Jon's dog, Odie.

Garfield is an orange cat and was born in the kitchen of an Italian restaurant, , thus developing his love and obsession for lasagna and pizza. Garfield is also pessimistic, cynical, sarcastic, sardonic and a bit obnoxious. He enjoys destroying things, mauling the mailman, tormenting Odie, kicking Odie off the table; he also makes snide comments

I remember that after each chapter of Garfield I watch “Orson´s Farm” (the famous friends of Garfield) It is also a comic strip of Davis. I like so much watch this show because Each character represented a value or had a very defined personality, my favorite is Sheldon, an egg born by hal, he likes to read, but not both pursue worms.

I hope you like my tv programme and I leave the song of Garfield and friends.

viernes, 5 de julio de 2013

My favorite photograph

Hi dear bloggers, I hope you are fine!!!

Today I will tell you about my favorite photograph, It was very difficult to choose an one, because I have many photographs that represent important moments in my life. After this hard task I found one that cause me much tenderness.

This photograph shows my sister and me when we were small. I must have 3 years and Camila 9 years. This photograph was taken in Grandfather’s house. My grandmother loved flowers, and so the garden of his house was full of plants and flowers of all sizes and colors, this is the first reason why I like this photograph.
The second reason y the most important it is because this photograph reflects the relationship I have with my older sister, a relation of much love, respect and trust. To see the photo I think in that despite living in the same house and receive the same love and values of our parents we are very different people and I think that those differences are the most unite us.

For me my family is the most important thing, it is my great support in difficult moments, but above all are the people that make me happy and that will be with me always.

Regards :)

lunes, 24 de junio de 2013

My favorite place to eat out

Hi dear bloggers!
Today I will tell you about to eat out, is an excellent topic because i love food, I am a great cook and the best thing I do is eat jajaj

Lately my favorite place to eat out is "Sushi Blues" ubicated in Costanera Center and Parque Arauco. This place offer a delicious sushi and many variety. But only ate sushi with my friends or my sister. So I recommend to go out with friends or boyfriend / girlfriend and eat something delicious.

For a more familiar output I recommend "Gatsby: Buffet and Café" is a restaurant ubicated in Parque Arauco, in Costanera Center and Alto Las Condes as their logo says, the Gatsby offers the pleasure of a great feast because it has fork free for all dishes and so one can keep trying what you want. Just think of so much food, I'm hungry jaja

For dessert I recommend an ice cream in "Emporio La Rosa" my favorite is green tea with mango, but all the flavors are rich and to be a rich coffee or te I recommend the local "Cinnzeo" cinnamon rolls that offer a variety of many ubicated in subway exit "Estación Central"

I hope you are fine and know my "picadas"!

My favorite famous person

Hi dear bloggers!
Sorry for not writing before, but now I will tell you about a famous person that I want to know in person. My famous person is Brandon Boyd, he is a leader and vocalist of band “Incubus” (my favorite band).
I would love to talk with him: about their songs, to know what are the things that inspire to write, I would love that we sing to together and make me a drawing, since it is a very complete artist, the majority of the album art and even some videos the has drawn Brandon.

Incubus visited the country in two opportunities, but none of them have been able to go. In the year 2007 when they came, my parents didn't give me permission because it was girl still. And in 2010 because of health problems my dad I wasn't able to go. So I look forward to meeting the rumors that Incubus will come again in December.  And to listen to and sing with this great band.I hope to meet Brandon but I will be in shock and would not know what to say jajaja

It was very difficult to choose only to a person because I would love to meet and talk to lots of other people that has influenced my life like Marilyn Monroe, Kurt Cobain, Elvis Presley, The Beatles, The Bronte Sisters, Jane Austen and Teresa Wilms Montt, to name a few.

I hope you are fine!

miércoles, 12 de junio de 2013

My favorite place in London

Hi friends.

Today i will tell you about an amazing city like is London. London is the capital city of England and the United Kingdom. This city has many tourist spots and I hope know about all interesting places when I will travel for London.

A place I will like visit is London Eye, is the most popular tourist attraction. London Eye is situated on the banks of the River Thames, the structure measured 135 metres.
London Eye is ubicated near in tube station of Waterloo, Embankment, Charing Cross and Westminster. And was formally opened in 1999. The entrance fee for Hotel Chocolat Tasting Experience with priority boarding and one hour on the London Eye with a specialist Hotel Chocolat guide has a cost £45.00.

Other place i will like visit in London is Portobello Road Market, is the world's largest antiques market and is located in a street in Notting Hill. This street I like when I saw the romantic movie “Nothing Hill” and because I am shopaholic.

I hope that all travel for London
Regards :)

martes, 7 de mayo de 2013

My Favorite Painting

Hello my friends!

Today I tell you about a painting, in this case is “The Kiss” by Gustav Klimbt, a autrian artist. This painting was realized between 1907 and 1908. “The Kiss” is a oil on canvas of 180 x 180 centimeter. This painting can be found in Osterreichische Galerie Belvedere of Viene.

The first time I saw this painting when I went to the school, and the Linguistic classes I have choose one painting and invented a story or interpreted the painting. I choose this painting because is very interesting and visually is very beautiful that represent the idealize love. I remember I wrote about a romantic story with a happy ends.  

In this class I have research information about this painting.  “The Kiss” is a symbolic representation of the moment that Apolo kisses a nymph called Dafne and coverts her  in to a Laurel. But other opinions says that painting represents a Klimbt with his lover, Emile Flög.

I like so much this painting because is very romantic, I am a romantic person and I believe in the love in many forms. This painting represents the female thing and male and as perfectly they are complemented.

The legacy of Gustav Klimbt is based on the female role and its unmistakable aesthetic, being a referring one of the fashion and aesthetic contemporary.

I hope you like this beautiful painting!!
See you later dear friends!!

martes, 30 de abril de 2013

My favorite beach

Hi Friends, I hope you are fine

Today I tell you about a beach, my favorite beach is Algarrobo located in the V Region de Valparaiso. Algarrobo is known like a “Capital Nautica of Chile” because in this beach people practice many aquatic sports like surf, yacht, kayak, omong others.

Algarrobo have a great geographic attractive: rocky outcrop named "La Peñablanca", in 1982 was declared Sanctuary of Nature.  Also have many differents typical trees like boldo, peumo, canelo and obviously algarrobo.

I went for the first time when I was child, I don’t remember this year, but each year I go to Algarrobo with my family or my friends.

Algarrobo have many beach, my favorites are “Las Cadenas” and “Mirasol” because is beautiful place for see the sunset, play beach tennis and sitting on the beach and take a sunbathing. I love walk in the beach in the sunset and visit traditional fair and buy many thing like a rings, necklace and decorations.  Also I love bathing so much, because a make me happy and relax me.

Algarrobo is a great center of tourism because it is so near to  Santiago and have a famous resort “San Alfonso del Mar”.

See you later my dear friends